Spanish and Catalan 💬
Last week in Catalan and Spanish we continued working especially with poetry to celebrate Sant Jordi’s Week. We met the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés and rewrote some of his poems as a resource to talk about our own. We also did the votation to find the best calligrams.

Outing to Sant Jordi’s day in Canet 🌹
On Friday afternoon, Year 7,8 and 9 left school to live a little closer to St. Jordi’s Day. Traditionally on St. Jordi’s Day the streets are filled with book stands and roses. This year, despite the pandemic, we were able to see some book stands and some students took the opportunity to buy the book they would give to their schoolmate. The only flower shop we found open had already run out of roses. However, we were able to enjoy the walk to learn a little more about the tradition of St. Jordi’s Day.

Geography 🗺️
Years 7 and 8 consolidated their knowledge of Russia so far by planning a Great Russian Train Journey! They have carefully selected highlights of the vast country to visit and are writing their guide to demonstrate their understanding of physical features, climate and important cities that should be visited.

History 📖
Year 9 started their new topic this week looking at Russian history. We started by investigating what Russia was like in 1900 and the problems that existed for both the Tsar and the ordinary people. This will help us to understand why the Romanov rule came to an abrupt end after 300 years of power.