Spanish and Catalan 💬
This week we begin to work on poetry and specifically on visual poetry and calligrams. We saw part of the work of Joan Brossa and Lluís Alpera and read some calligrams by Juan José Tablada and Guillermo Cabrera Infante. The students are beginning to prepare their own calligrams to make an exhibition during Sant Jordi week.

Computing 🖥️
In computing we have been reinforcing our knowledge of programming concepts by practising and writing our own code. In particular, starting to use subprograms which mean that we can recycle code and avoid writing the same instructions over and over.

Art 🎨
This week in art we are closing the Graphic Novel project in Y9 that has been running since last term. Through images and using photoshop, student have interpreted a novel that they studied in English. Using digital software and using techniques that are commonly employed in professionally-produced graphic novels, each student has produced one chapter of the book.

Design Technology 💻
In Design Technology we have started learning about ways to evaluate the success of a design, and the history of designed objects – specifically the chair. Students have been researching the work of important designs from the past 100 years including Zaha Hadid, Le Corbusier, and Phillipe Starck.

English 🗣️
We are finishing our poetry unit and the students are blowing us away with their insightful analysis and creativity. The sun is helping us to have relaxed, creative sessions outside and just today a student was writing:
3 years ago, I strolled free in the crowds of New York.
This year I stand stranded in my room.
2 Years ago, I stared into the vast alpine landscape.
This year I stare into my bedroom wall.
1 year ago, I sat talking with friends.
This year I sit talking on my computer.
Covid forced me down this uneven pathway.
Where I stand stranded at my desk searching for answers.
These days I am another digital signature floating around the internet.
Lost amongst the millions of others.
Maths 🔢
Year 10
Students are picking up speed and demonstrating more and more conceptual thinking. I wonder how many parents can still solve this problem?
Luca has some 10 pence pieces and some 5 pence pieces. Altogether he has 40 coins and £3.15. How many of each coin does he have?